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Despite having no recorded fire history, most of the 2018 Klamathon Fire burned at low and moderate severity in the Soda Mountain Wilderness and Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. |
Controversy has erupted in the region this summer regarding wildfire, smoke and forest management. The media, area land managers, many regional politicians, the timber industry and their allies have all been working overtime to manipulate the public's fear of wildfire, and in particular, anger about wildfire smoke. Some claim that a combination of aggressive fire suppression, manual fuel treatments, prescribed fire and commercial logging will increase "forest health," while also reducing wildfire occurrence, wildfire severity and smoke.
As someone who has designed ecological restoration projects, taken part in prescribed fire treatments and performed forest thinning adjacent to homes and communities for twenty years, I can support some of these activities in strategic locations and adjacent to communities; however, the effectiveness of these management techniques at reducing fire severity, limiting acres burned, and subsequently reducing smoke levels is significantly overstated, and the potential ecological impacts of increasing federal land logging are largely being ignored.
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Oak woodland underburned in the 2018 Klamathon Fire. |
The Rogue Basin Cohesive Forest Restoration Strategy
The funding for the Rogue Basin Strategy came from various project partners, including:- Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) Federal Forest Health Program
- Jackson and Josephine Counties
- Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) Forest Collaborative Capacity Grant Program
- The Nature Conservancy
- Forest Service
ODF is a state agency that serves and loosely regulates logging activities on private land and provides fire suppression services for the BLM. ODF oversees one of the most lenient Forest Practices Act in the country and is well known as an aggressive advocate for the timber industry. Both Jackson and Josephine Counties have similar interests related to federal timber production and the funding of county services. The Forest Service and BLM also have annual timber targets they must meet and strong political pressure to log more timber from public land.
Proposed logging "treatments" would target late successional stands (i.e. old forests) and would be implemented with no diameter or stand age limits. The Rogue Basin Strategy also proposes intensive overstory thinning in forested stands, reducing canopy cover to between 42% and 54% on average.
The Pickett West Timber Sale, the first federal timber project tiered to the Rogue Basin Strategy, proposed commercial logging to as low as 30% canopy cover in late successional stands between 180 and 240 years old. According to the Medford District BLM, these old-growth logging treatments were specifically designed with "the Rogue Basin Cohesive Restoration Strategy "ecosystem resilience" and "fuel management" models in mind" (Picket West EA. p. 3).
The Pickett West Timber Sale was highly controversial throughout southern Oregon and was ultimately canceled due to public outrage and impacts to Northern spotted owl and red tree vole habitat. Many local environmentalists are concerned how federal land managers may interpret and implement the Rogue Basin Strategy, especially under the BLM's timber heavy 2016 Resource Management Plan.
The Rogue Basin Strategy Proposes to Increase Logging in Old Forests and Northern Spotted Owl Habitat
The Rogue Basin Strategy projects 66 million board feet of merchantable timber annually from commercial logging on federal lands. It also encourages logging in closed canopy, older forests (mid and late seral), claiming that the Rogue Basin currently supports an "excess" of these conditions. One of the goals of the strategy is to "balance" successional stages and vegetation mosaics by converting these supposedly "excess" stands of closed canopy, late and mid seral forest into open canopied stands.
This type-conversion, from closed forest to open forest, is a central feature of the Rogue Basin Strategy that will be facilitated by downgrading or removing existing Northern spotted owl habitat. In many stands, reaching the proposed basal area and relative density recommendations, while achieving conversion from closed to open stand conditions, will require the removal of many large, fire-resistant trees. This approach encourages homogenization on the stand and landscape level, creates uncharacteristic structural conditions, and increases fuel loading. The proposed treatments could significantly impact imperiled Northern spotted owl habitats and biodiversity associated with old, complex canopy structures.
In fact, according to the Rogue Basin Strategy, closed canopy, late seral forest types are prioritized for treatment with a "priority multiplier." This means closed canopy, late successional forests are prioritized for treatment two times higher than young, heavily altered plantation stands. Instead of focusing restoration efforts on those portions of the landscape with the most obvious forest degradation and unnatural fuel loads (e.g. plantations), the Rogue Basin Strategy is emphasizing treatment in fire-resistant, late successional stands where commercial timber is more readily available.
Instead of enhancing Northern spotted owl habitat, the proposal would either downgrade or remove thousands of acres of suitable habitat and fragment important connectivity corridors. Proposed treatments would also remove many important habitat elements such as large trees over 20" in diameter, interlocking canopy structure, understory shrub cover, snag habitat and downed wood.
The Rogue Basin Strategy Proposes Logging in Specially Designated Conservation Areas
Unfortunately, very few areas have been excluded from "treatment" in the Rogue Basin Strategy. In fact, the strategy is proposing commercial logging in Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRA), Botanical Areas, Research Natural Areas, Late Successional Reserves, National Monuments, and other management designations that currently restrict or limit commercial logging.
The strategy clearly states, "Late Successional Reserves, Roadless Areas, Research Natural Areas, and National Monuments were included as candidates for mechanical treatment" (Rogue Basin Strategy. P. 35). Logging these habitats will compromise decades of conservation efforts and degrade their ecological and social values.
Many of our wildlands are proposed for "treatment" in the Rogue Basin Strategy. These treatments can include commercial logging within 1/2 mile of existing roads, even extending into Inventoried Roadless Areas themselves. Many of these roads will require significant road reconstruction.
Although the strategy assures us that, "the ecological benefits of restoration thinning are the sole justification for mechanical treatments" (Rogue Basin Strategy P. 35), these justifications do not erase the real impacts associated with commercial logging and road reconstruction.
For example, the Rogue Basin Strategy identifies the Chetco Divide/Doe Gap Trail in the South Kalmiopsis Roadless Area as a road to access treatment areas along the wild and spectacular ridge system dividing Rough and Ready Creek from Baldface Creek. The same is true for portions of the McGrew Trail and Biscuit Hill Trail, and old roads in the Rough and Ready Creek and West Fork Illinois River drainages. Obviously, reconstructing long-abandoned mining roads throughout the South Kalmiopsis Roadless Area would significantly alter its wilderness and roadless qualities. Similar treatment areas are proposed in numerous of the roadless areas bordering the Kalmiopsis Wilderness.
According to the Rogue Basin Strategy, IRAs, Botanical Areas, and Research Natural Areas in the Siskiyou Crest region would be proposed for treatment, including high elevation and subalpine forests, meadows, dry clearings, rock outcrops and serpentine barrens.
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The 2017 Burnt Peak Fire in the Collings-Kinney Roadless Area. |
The Rogue Basin Strategy would impact nearly every wildland and conservation area in southern Oregon, except designated wilderness areas. The environmental community has fought hard for these important designations, and for good reason. These wildlands are the backbone of our regional conservation network, sustaining our regional biodiversity and habitat connectivity throughout southern Oregon. We need areas on the landscape that are not open to industrial forestry in order to maintain the integrity of wildlands for future generations.
The Rogue Basin Strategy promotes commercial logging, road reconstruction and other forms of management in many of our most cherished wildlands.
The Connection Between Logging and Climate Change
Recent research conducted by Oregon State University demonstrates that Oregon's forestland, particularly federal forest land, represent significant carbon sinks that should be protected. The report also demonstrates that wildfire related emissions are relatively minimal. According to this new study, the wood products industry is creating 35% of the total emissions in the state of Oregon, while wildfire is contributing a minimal 4%.
Timber production strategies such as clearcut logging and commercial thinning contribute significantly to our statewide carbon emissions and undermine our ability to reduce emissions overall. The OSU report recommends a 50% reduction in timber harvest on federal lands, while the Rogue Basin Strategy would increase harvest levels in terms of both acres treated and volume produced.
The Assumptions and Scientific Basis of the Rogue Basin Strategy
The Rogue Basin Strategy also includes numerous false assumptions regarding historic landscape conditions and fire regimes, as well as unfounded assumptions about the severity of contemporary wildland fires. For instance, the strategy assumes that stand conditions throughout the Rogue Basin were historically open-canopied due to frequent fire and consistent low-severity fire effects. These assumptions contradict numerous natural historic vegetation studies conducted in the Rogue Basin that document a propensity towards closed vegetation types at all elevations (Leigberg, 1900, Dipaolo and Hosten 2015, Duren et al. 2012, Hickman and Christy 2009, Hickman and Christy 2011). Open stands and open habitats, although present, were the exception and not the rule, even in valley bottom sites that likely experienced the most frequent indigenous burning practices.
The Mixed-Severity Fire Regime
In the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains the steep topographical relief, relatively productive forest conditions, complex vegetation patterns and Mediterranean climate combine to create a mixed-severity fire regime with highly variable fire effects. Natural ignitions tend to be prevalent in the summer months when lightning storms are most abundant and fuels are sufficiently dry. Fire frequency can, at times, be frequent, but significant decades-long gaps are also characteristic during wet periods or when lightning ignitions are less frequent (Agee. 1991, Frost and Sweeney. 2000, Colombaroli and Gavin. 2010). These natural gaps in fire frequency have significant impacts on species composition, stand structure, habitat mosaics and fire regimes.
The faulty premise that extremely frequent, low-severity fire was the dominant fire regime throughout the southern Oregon Cascade and Siskiyou Mountains leads to the identification of an inaccurate reference condition, with an overemphasis on open structured forest and vegetation as the impetus for widespread thinning. This in turn leads to an assumption that contemporary wildfires are burning more severely than under historic conditions and that "untreated" stands are more likely to burn at high severity, despite a lack of corroborating evidence. This assumption is false for multiple reasons, including the vegetation dynamics across the region and the actual effects of contemporary wildfires.
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The Cascade Mountains and the Upper Rogue River watershed from Hershberger Lookout were colonized by vast swaths of closed canopy forest in 1933. |
The mixed-severity fire regime, with its variable fire effects and return intervals, creates vastly different plant communities than a more frequent fire return interval would create. Frequent low-severity fire creates very open canopy conditions and favors early successional species such as pine, hardwoods, and herbaceous plant communities. In contrast, the mixed-severity fire regime in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains creates more abundant closed canopy habitat types, mixed with more open stands and patches of complex, early seral habitat. This pattern is evident throughout our region, in historical photographs, early landscape descriptions and in currently fire-adapted habitats.
The Actual Effects of Contemporary Wildfires
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A diverse, ecologically beneficial and restorative mixed-severity fire mosaic in the 2017 Miller Complex Fire in the Middle Fork of the Applegate. |
Contemporary wildfires, although less frequent or widespread then historic fires, continue to operate in a similar manner and are creating similar patterns of fire severity. Many of the habitats affected by recent wildfire are on a trajectory of fire resilience due to an increasingly frequent fire return interval. The fire mosaic has been diverse, productive and characteristic for the region.
The recent wildfires in our region have provided ecological benefits, restoring fire process, fire-adapted plant communities and wildfire mosaics. They also provide highly effective fuel reduction on the landscape scale. Actively managing wildfire for resource benefit, although politically controversial, is possible even in the suppression context. Recent wildfires have had restorative benefits and in many cases have the potential to "treat" more acres in a more natural and diverse mosaic than any other form of "active management."
Predicted On-the-Ground Impacts of the Rogue Basin Strategy
Although the treatments proposed in the Rogue Basin Strategy are being promoted as habitat restoration, they will utilize the same technologies and create many of the same impacts that logging has historically created within this same landscape
For example, the intensity of logging proposed, the heavy removal of overstory canopy, and the prioritization of treatments in late successional, closed canopy forest will create extensive habitat fragmentation, disrupt connectivity between late successional habitats and degrade late successional habitat conditions utilized by the Northern spotted owl.
Many of the same mid to late successional forests targeted for logging are currently highly fire resistant and the extensive canopy removal required to create "open" forest will increase fire risks by regenerating dense understory vegetation. Heavy thinning will also desiccate forest stands by increasing solar radiation, ambient air temperatures and access to drying winds.
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Heavy understory regeneration and fuel loading following a commercial thinning operation on BLM land in the Middle Applegate Watershed. |
Trees will be yarded using tractors, cable systems and helicopters. These yarding impacts are documented to include soil compaction, increased surface erosion rates, sedimentation into nearby streams, damage to residual "leave" trees and the spread of noxious weeds. The impacts are often unavoidable to one extent or another in any commercial logging operation and they will be compounded as the number of acres treated this way increases.
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A linear, cable yarding corridor in the BLM's Cheney Slate Timber Sale in the foothills of the Applegate Valley. |
Although no new roads are proposed in the Rogue Basin Strategy, it is highly likely that the Forest Service and BLM will propose new roads to access timber in many of the proposed helicopter yarding areas. This may require the removal of larger trees to pay for yarding costs and road construction, as often happens in federal timber sales.
Many roads proposed to access treatment areas in the Rogue Basin Strategy have long been abandoned, would require significant road reconstruction, and should be closed to reduce environmental impacts. Some of these roads are poorly constructed and are failing, while others are located in riparian areas. These roads create disproportionate impacts to nearby rivers and streams, and instead of decommissioning them to achieve restoration goals, the Rogue Basin Strategy proposes the reconstruction of many roads, including those extending into Inventoried Roadless Areas and other conservation areas.
Capitalizing on current political dynamics, as well as the public's deep-seated misunderstanding of fire and hatred for smoke, this brand of forestry is being propelled by fear, politics and false promises that smoke and wildfires will be drastically reduced. Utilizing the disaster capitalism model, the Rogue Basin Strategy is gaining steam within a climate of anger and a false presumption of ecological catastrophe. This sense of urgency is propelling the proposal forward without a realistic analysis of its science, assumptions, or ecological impacts.
When the smoke clears and emotions calm down. I encourage folks to take a hard look at the actual outcome of this season's wildfires and compare those to the likely impacts of widespread "active management" as proposed by the Rogue Basin Strategy. When one looks objectively at the issue, it is clear that the recent wildfires have a far more restorative effect: enhancing biodiversity, incorporating natural process and creating far more heterogeneity and resilience than the proposed logging and manual fuel reduction treatments in the Rogue Basin Strategy.
The best way to restore an active fire regime is to manage wildland fire in the backcountry, while focusing our manual restoration activities in plantation stands, at strategic locations, and around homes and communities. By preparing local communities with defensible space treatments, safe ingress and egress routes, strategic firebreaks, and prescribed fire treatments, we can more effectively utilize unplanned ignitions in the backcountry for resource benefit, while protecting communities from wildfire impacts.
Wildfire is a reality on this landscape, with a long history of beneficial ecological effects and social impacts. We cannot remove wildfire or smoke from this landscape, nor can we replace their important ecological functions with manual treatments. Wildfire and smoke are a natural and inevitable part of our Mediterranean climate and forest ecosystems. As someone who has had wildfire (the 2017 Miller Complex) surround my own rural property, I believe a little humility, tolerance and a dose of reality may go a long way in providing us with solutions. Increased federal land logging in our last old forests, roadless areas, botanical areas and other important conservation areas is not the answer. We must ask ourselves the question: Do we want forest restoration or forest industrialization?
Download the Rogue Basin Cohesive Forest Restoration Strategy here.